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HSA Webinar Series starting 2025

The schedule for the upcoming HSA Webinar Series for 2025 is posted on the trainings and conferences page.

We hope to see you there! 

Mathematics (C) update

**Please note the University of California is postponing implementation of the updated math validation rules for one year. For more information, please review the March 2025 HSA Bulletin.

A Mathematics (C) workgroup convened in fall 2023 by UC’s Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools (BOARS) has released updated recommendations for implementing Area C course policy. These recommendations:

  • Reaffirm the core content expectations for math, requiring foundational course work (three courses) including or integrating topics in elementary algebra, two- and three- dimensional geometry and advanced algebra. 
  • Clarify which types of courses are suitable for validating (substituting for) advanced algebra and which are suitable to take as a fourth year of math. Courses suitable for validating advanced algebra are those that demonstrably rely on the content typically covered in the three foundational courses for successful completion. Other courses that do not rely on the foundational content may still be appropriate to take as a fourth year of math.

New structure for the annual A-G submission period

UC High School Articulation has updated the annual A-G course submission period. Starting in 2022, the Primary Phase will span February 1 through June 30, and the Supplementary Phase will span August 1 through August 31. For more information, please visit Update your A-G List.

Policy Announcement on Area D

As of February 2020, the University of California concluded its deliberations on a proposal from our Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools (BOARS) regarding the area D science subject requirement for UC freshman admissions. Highlights of the announcement, recently distributed by the UC Academic Senate Office, are below.
To summarize, the actions approved by the UC faculty’s Academic Senate are:

  1. Change the area D subject requirement name from “Laboratory Science” to “Science”;
  2. Expand the options for science disciplines that fulfill the third recommended year of the area D requirement, including (but not limited to) computer science, engineering, and applied sciences; area D courses in earth and space sciences, as well as interdisciplinary sciences, can either fulfill one year of the 2-year requirement or fulfill the third recommended year.
  3. Maintain status quo for the area D subject requirement: 2 years of area D science, including or integrating topics that provide fundamental knowledge in two of these three subjects: biology, chemistry, or physics; 3 years of area D science is recommended. 

Bulletins Subscribe

Subscribe to our bulletin and receive up-to-date information on everything A-G, including announcements on changes to the A-G course submission process, tips and tools to successfully update your A-G list and important information about new A-G course policies and criteria. Teachers and administrators with an A-G CMP account are automatically added to the bulletin's distribution list.

Archived Bulletins